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Crystal-Marie Sealy

Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, is a dedicated mom, keynote speaker, 2x best-selling author and consultant. As author and speaker, Crystal-Marie’s motivational focus is on resilience through authenticity, self-acceptance and individual sovereignty, with business talks on mindful entrepreneurship through pricing, lean process, and feasible schedules. As a strategy consultant, her signature “Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™” framework empowers us to create lifestyles we truly thrive in.  Earn more. Work less. Live abundantly.
Connect with Crystal-Marie at www.CrystalMarieSealy.com

Join us for a live and unscripted interview with Crystal-Marie Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real and if you’re on the move here is the podcast.   Interested in a book review? Check out the video…

Authenticity through Self-acceptance brings Gentle Resilience, Crystal-Marie Sealy, Mom, MBA

Tell us a little something about your business...

As a keynote speaker, best-selling author and mindful entrepreneurship strategy consultant, what I offer is the framework for space for both you and your clients, starting with you. I have books and a business, and I’m thrilled to have published my first children’s book, “The Brave Little Puffer Fish: Authenticity for Children” in November 2021. I became a best-selling author twice, thanks to my chapters in both “DYNAMO Diaries Volume 1: Success Secrets of 21 Shining Stars” (Aug 2015) and Women Speakers Association’s “Voices of the 21st Century: Powerful, Passionate Women Who Make a Difference” (May 2021). My motivational keynote, “Authenticity for Gentle Resilience”, and my signature framework, “Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™”, were born in large part, thanks to the experiences shared in those chapters.

Today, life has once again shifted, and I am enjoying expanding as I grow in this new phase. Motherhood has its own rhythms and cycles. I have chosen to be primarily Mom, even as a single mother, and have reduced my offerings to paid virtual keynotes and my books, but that’s just the business part of it.

When was your lightbulb moment?

I started my own business in 2009, mid-MBA, but incorporated officially in 2011. As president and founder of Crystal-Marie Sealy—previously Successiory (2011-2019)—I began as many other professionals-turned-entrepreneurs begin. Excited, passionate and going 24/7 to bring those ideas to life. Combine that fluid fire with the conflicting, stagnating trauma-based traits of paralyzing perfectionism, debilitating imposter syndrome and a hyper-analytical mind, and you can imagine how drained I was. Forever torn between working hard enough to keep proving that I’m good at everything and honouring my intrinsic needs, focus and passions—in both my corporate life and then in the entrepreneurial space. It even seeped into my one non-workaholic passion, as a part-time Modern, Jazz and Latin dance performer. It hurts to look back and realize that I have never felt free enough to fully throw myself into the joy and magic of the performance. Each time, saying, “I’ll do better next time. I’ll just let go”, and each time getting caught in the space between perfection and passion.

If you’re paying attention to your own life, you will find that life doesn’t just give you one major lightbulb moment—this is why mindfulness is not just a buzzword. You see so much more when you slow down, but only when you’re intrinsically motivated to do so. I’ll share one major lightbulb moment, which I shared in “DYNAMO Diaries Volume 1: Success Secrets of 21 Shining Stars”. I hope it helps you pause and look inward.

In 2015, I think, I learned about adrenal fatigue, working with James R. Elliot. I really wish I knew what he taught me, back in 2007, when I’d blacked out, leaving a dent in my head, and in 2009, when I really crashed and doctors had no idea what was happening. I fell, and had no energy to get up again. Thankfully, a neighbour and friend, (R.I.P. Tina) picked me up and took my home. Once she left, I lay down in bed and, again, couldn’t move. I was paralyzed for about 5-mins—which feels far longer when you’re 27 years old and always on the go.

In 2007, after the blackout, I was sure I had learned my lesson—self-care first, or there’s no “self” left to care for others. Clearly, I had fallen back into the same patterns during the MBA.

By 2014, I had become a lot gentler with myself in many areas. I had loosened the reigns on my A-type personality during the MBA (2008-10), and the lessons I learned thanks to my business had finally invited me to accept and embrace the fact that I am feminine, an empath and an introvert. Once I started to truly own that, everything opened up. Honouring those three inherent traits slowed me down, allowing for deep self-discovery, self-acceptance, which introduced me to my inherent pace—my own rhythms and cycles. Enter authenticity. Again, not just a buzzword. Being authentic, especially born of mindful, slow introspection, has been the path to true resilience for me. That resilience stems from so much, not the least of which is the energy you find when you operate from a place of love over obligation, and truth over conformity. Synchronicity also comes more frequently, the more you live in authenticity—it is absolutely real.

As an author, this may be the last time I tell my story this way, as I am shifting to a more positive perspective, as a part of my own personal awakening. As I share it this way once more, I hope my story invites you to see how authenticity can truly heal every area of your life. Authenticity, starting with self-acceptance, leads to self-love, and that overflows for a better world, for all of us.

What are your three words of advice?

Authenticity. This one is crucial because it takes considerable energy to be anything or anyone that isn’t truly you. It’s not finally standing up for yourself or getting anything off of your chest. It is discovering and living your inherent values and beliefs, from within yourself, even if no one else sees. It literally heals to always speak and live your truth. You literally feel it, physically.

Sovereignty. This one for two primary reasons, and a million others. It took me ages to learn this, so I hope you discover it earlier in life or business than I did. If you Must stay informed (e.g. news, 50 books CEO’s read, etcetera) and be surrounded by gurus and advisors, it helps to know how all of that advice and ‘insight’ applies to you. That demands self-discovery—knowing and honouring the value only You bring to the world. Your own values, beliefs, needs, energy requirements, natural rhythms and cycles, intersect uniquely, and it takes time—with yourSelf—to learn that. The only way to actually know which advice you can sustainably use is to know, and stay aware of, your individual sovereignty.

Compatibility. This is one I loved discovering, because it freed me from so much! I suppose you could say “live and let live”—I say that a lot—but it doesn’t cover the boundaries we need to have in place to live this one well. The word compatibility, however, allowed me to accept that we are all unique, embrace others as they are, and allow the connection or distance to develop organically, whichever feels best. As an empath, it was always such an emotional decision to create distance when connection was damaging. I’m still learning the layers of this word—compatibility—but it has definitely allowed me to detach, in love and in peace.

Three words of advice...

Authenticity, Sovereignty, Compatibility.

Crystal-Marie Sealy, MBA, is a dedicated mom, keynote speaker, 2x best-selling author and consultant. As author and speaker, Crystal-Marie’s motivational focus is on resilience through authenticity, self-acceptance and individual sovereignty, with business talks on mindful entrepreneurship through pricing, lean process, and feasible schedules. As a strategy consultant, her signature “Mindful Entrepreneurship for Mindful Affluence™” framework empowers us to create lifestyles we truly thrive in.  Earn more. Work less. Live abundantly.
Connect with Crystal-Marie at www.CrystalMarieSealy.com

Join us for a live and unscripted interview with Crystal-Marie Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real and if you’re on the move here is the podcast.   Interested in a book review? Check out the video…

“May your legacy create a footprint of success for the next person who steps into your shoes”

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