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Anthony Kitchen, or Tony as his friends call him, was born in England and now resides in Ontario Canada. He has spent most of his life writing but not really in earnest until around 2002.It was around this time he found that writing to be an effective means of self expression with tremendous healing powers. Words, whether written or read can be an emotional trigger. You may find Tony’s books on Amazon and Kindle.

Shelly is a speaker and coach empowering and inspiring executives, diverse professionals, aspiring women leaders, as well as corporate teams, to maximize their branding potential, social influence, and leadership ability onLinkedIn. Shelly is a member of Forbes Coaching Council, the International Coach Federation (ICF), recognized as a Woman you Need to Know by the National Women Speakers Association and a Women of Achievement. She is also on the list of globally recognized LinkedInTrainers. Shelly is a Co-Author of “UNSTOPPABLE”. Visit her on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/selsliger/
Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real: https://youtu.be/Rv0ymFBordQ

Frances Michaelson is a licensed naturopath, personal trainer, speaker, author, and blogger residing in Montreal, Quebec. With over three decades of experience, Frances is widely recognized as a leader in the health and fitness field. She has made it her business to help others achieve optimal health and wellness through her naturopathic practice which focuses on gut health.  Visit Frances @ www.livethewow.ca     Check out the live interview in Bussiness Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real.

She shares her message with heart and humour as an Inspirational Speaker, with her book Love Your Life to Death, as a TV and Radio host and through social media. She has been featured in several publications and in the media. Yvonne has also created the I Just Showed Up movement and is working on a very exciting secret project! Stay tuned! Visit Yvonne @ www.loveyourlifetodeath.com

After 22 years as a shipper and 12 years in law enforcement, I have been blessed with the opportunity to realize my childhood dream of becoming an author. Since the autumn of 2017, I have published 5 books and plan on publishing at least 4 more in 2019. If you love high adventure with memorable characters, please visit my website and let’s go on a journey together. www.richardhstephens.com
Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real: https://youtu.be/Bt_Mjus3n9Y

As a returning guest….publishing his 13 novel since 2018 Richard shares a few words on his journey.
Join us for the interview in Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real or if your on the move check out the Podcast

Tara Mondou’s life-long interest in reading books and telling stories has developed into a passion for writing and editing. As a first time author, she recently published the heart-wrenching, true story of her mother’s childhood, in her book Little Girl in the Mirror. Visit Tara @ www.taramondou.com
Visit the live and unscrpited interiew  Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real or choose the podcast.
Check out the new episode of Business Mentorship Keepin It Real as Tara launches her new book
“Me and My Shadow”

Alexis Gladstone is a speaker, trainer, executive coach and consultant on leadership and sales. Her passion is working with organizations that want to create a culture of inclusiveness for women in leadership. She has helped companies and individuals across a wide spectrum of industries. She is a co-author of Pure Wealth – 26 Ways to Crazy Profitability. Find Alexis @ www.inteleadinc.com
Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real: https://youtu.be/ML3kk2AWJSQ

Join us for a panel discussion, Small Business and Community Impact; Part 1 of 2 on our YouTube channel
Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real or if your on the move here is the podcast

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