We share entrepreneurial stories to inspire great ideas...
Charmaine Hammond- CSP, MA, BA
Helping people work better together is what Charmaine Hammond is globally respected for. Owner of two businesses, entrepreneur for the past 25 years, and best selling author, she has work on many projects that are collaborative in nature. She has worked with clients around the globe. Charmaine is a a Certified Professional Speaker (CSP), Certified Virtual Presenter and expert in collaboration, resilience and conflict resolution. With a Masters Degree in Conflict Management & Analysis, she has facilitated the resolution of many collaborations and relationships that went sideways. Connect with Charmaine at https://raiseadream.com/
Check out our interview live and unscripted on Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real or if you prefer; here is the Podcast.
Co-Founder, President, Professional Speaker & Best Selling Author, Charmaine Hammond
- Contributed By: Charmaine Hammond- CSP, MA, BA
Tell us a little something about your business...
Raise a Dream Training & Consulting exists to help authors, speakers, entrepreneurs and nonprofits (including service clubs) raise their dreams, launch their projects, and fund what matters through collaboration and sponsorship.
Charmaine is also a best selling and award winning author of 5 books and is featured in 8 others- she works with authors to help them make their book a business.
When was your lightbulb moment?
I have had many light bulb moments, but one was was a great reminder about trusting my skills, knowledge and experience. This light bulb moment came to me while swimming for my life in a near death sailboat accident.
What are your three words of advice?
1. Be a champion for others – when you get behind projects that matter, be a champion for your colleagues, and, support others in raising their dreams, when you need support there is a line up waiting to be a champion for you.
2. Learn to ask for help- while this may be uncomfortable, asking for help is a sign of strength, and a great starter for collaborations.
3. Give up the need to be perfect – instead, focus on excellence.
There will be bumpy times, messy conversations and challenging learning experiences – this is part of life and business. When you have your team of champions, you don’t have to go through these experiences alone.
Three words of advice...
Collaborate. Communicate. Be Kind!
Helping people work better together is what Charmaine Hammond is globally respected for. Owner of two businesses, entrepreneur for the past 25 years, and best selling author, she has work on many projects that are collaborative in nature. She has worked with clients around the globe. Charmaine is a a Certified Professional Speaker (CSP), Certified Virtual Presenter and expert in collaboration, resilience and conflict resolution. With a Masters Degree in Conflict Management & Analysis, she has facilitated the resolution of many collaborations and relationships that went sideways. Connect with Charmaine at https://raiseadream.com/
Check out our interview live and unscripted on Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real or if you prefer; here is the Podcast.
“May your legacy create a footprint of success for the next person who steps into your shoes”