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Debra Hoffos

Debra Hoffos is an educator and barista. She helps people “rethink their daily cup” by running workshops teaching people how to make great coffee. Follow her on Instagram at #DebsCoffeeRevolution or on Facebook @Coffee Revolution.
Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real: https://youtu.be/hMxP5VAr140

Coffee Revolution, Entrepreneur, Debra Hoffos

Tell us a little something about your business...

I teach people to discover and make great coffee, consider the social and environmental impacts of their coffee purchases and to slow down and embrace the process. My tagline encompasses these aspects of enjoying coffee. I have passionately pursued great coffee for three decades. Relentless describes my passion for making and drinking great coffee. My husband and I take our own coffee when we travel. When camping with my family, we’re “coffee central”. After many years in a professional role in social and academic settings, I took a break to work at a high-end café. I knew most people were settling for poor quality coffee, but that great coffee was within their reach. With this in mind, I made my first pitch to run a workshop I called, “Make a Killer Cup of Coffee at Home”. Quite naturally I break into a teaching role. The workshops I run are interactive and fun.Discovering the many social and environmental benefits of high-quality specialty coffee fascinated me to the point that I wanted to share this with others.

When was your lightbulb moment?

Although I was pursuing other endeavours, I could no longer ignore the excitement I physically felt, and others sensed, whenever I started talking about coffee. I resisted it for quite some time thinking it was not “important” enough work. I finally got over myself and started pursuing this thing that excites me. Sharing my passion for coffee has lead me to many kindred spirits. I now realize that I am doing important work.

What are your three words of advice?

For most of my life I thought that doing things I found difficult were good for my growth and development. That is certainly true to a degree. However, now that I am doing what comes easy, I feel such freedom. It is truly liberating!

Three words of advice...

Do What Comes Easy

Debra Hoffos is an educator and barista. She helps people “rethink their daily cup” by running workshops teaching people how to make great coffee. Follow her on Instagram at #DebsCoffeeRevolution or on Facebook @Coffee Revolution.
Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real: https://youtu.be/hMxP5VAr140

“May your legacy create a footprint of success for the next person who steps into your shoes”

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