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Bob Antoville

DREAM MAKER – SALES AND MARKETING PRO Bob is a sales and marketing Director for consumer products. He is honest and helpful, and enjoys seeing others succeed as well. Currently a sales manager for a touchless information device company called Beyondant. We are looking for Independent Sales Reps and offer great compensation.Join this lucrative technology revolution that makes business safer and more effective. He is a businessman who lifts others up. Together we stand taller.  Meet Bob @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/bob-antoville

Covid Communication Solutions – Bob Antoville

Tell us a little something about your business...

I sell digital products that allow businesses to communicate with their customers directly through their smart phones.

When was your lightbulb moment?

Three years ago I had emergency heart surgery and a long recovery. This coincided with my daughter’s wedding, which is why I couldn’t wait to fly to be the father of the bride at her ceremony. This experience made me realize how precious life is and how important my family is to me.

What are your three words of advice?

Honesty, Integrity and Supportive

It is important to be a giving person because in society “Taking” seems to be all pervasive.
To tip the scales toward decency I like to be a Giver.

Three words of advice...

Be true to yourself

DREAM MAKER – SALES AND MARKETING PRO Bob is a sales and marketing Director for consumer products. He is honest and helpful, and enjoys seeing others succeed as well. Currently a sales manager for a touchless information device company called Beyondant. We are looking for Independent Sales Reps and offer great compensation.Join this lucrative technology revolution that makes business safer and more effective. He is a businessman who lifts others up. Together we stand taller.  Meet Bob @ https://www.linkedin.com/in/bob-antoville

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