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Dr. Doreen Downing
Dr. Doreen Downing is a Psychologist and Podcast host of Find Your Voice, Change Your Life. In conquering her own stage fright, she discovered being connected to your authentic self is the key to relaxed and confident speaking. She now specializes in the treatment of public speaking anxiety. Doreen is author of The 7 Secrets to Essential Speaking: Find Your Voice, Change Your Life, a book that teaches you how to transform your anxiety with mindful presence and connection.  You can download Doreen’s 7 Secrets to Fearless Speaking here.
Join us for a live and unscripted interview with Doreen’s
Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real and if you’re on the move here is the podcast.
Find Your Voice, Change Your Life! Dr. Doreen Downing
- Contributed By: Dr. Doreen Downing
Tell us a little something about your business...
People who struggle with speaking up in front of others are afraid of being judged. They stop themselves from sharing their opinions, their passion, and their gifts.
At the Essential Speaking Institute, I help people uncover the root cause of their anxiety and tap into the amazing voice that comes from the true self, the Essence of who we each are.
Once you learn how to drop down into the strength that comes from your Essence, you will be able to speak with a natural confidence anytime, anywhere.
I’ve taken this inner journey to find my true voice, and I wrote about it in my book, The 7 Secrets to Essential Speaking: Find Your Voice, Change Your Life.
In addition to guidance and instruction on how to be more mindfully present and connected, you’ll find my book takes you beyond scripts and performance techniques to connect to your authentic voice.
Download my Secrets to Fearless Speaking here.
When was your lightbulb moment?
The first light-bulb moment occurred after I had already started my private practice as a Psychologist. I was asked to present my research at a conference, and I refused because I had debilitating stage fright. The meeting planner said in somewhat of a derogatory tone, “but, doctor, isn’t fear your business!?” That was when I could no longer hide behind my professional degree.
The second light-bulb moment occurred when I did take my first class on overcoming the fear of speaking in public. The teacher mentioned Michelangelo who “saw the Angel in the marble and chiseled until he set it free.” I realized that all my degrees acted like marble and protected my Angel inside. She wanted to come out and be seen and heard.
What are your three words of advice?
“Journey” – when you take the inner journey, you discover that the inner world is as vast as the outer world. You can go within to find your authentic self and discover the voice that arises from this truth.
“Mindfulness” – awareness is the key to knowing and expressing yourself authentically. With presence you can be centered, grounded, and relaxed so your words resonate with your listeners.
“Courage” – many people crave the courage to be more expressed in all areas of their life. You can cultivate the inner strength to be open, fully yourself and speak where fear no longer holds you back.
Three words of advice...
Find Your Voice!
Dr. Doreen Downing is a Psychologist and Podcast host of Find Your Voice, Change Your Life. In conquering her own stage fright, she discovered being connected to your authentic self is the key to relaxed and confident speaking. She now specializes in the treatment of public speaking anxiety. Doreen is author of The 7 Secrets to Essential Speaking: Find Your Voice, Change Your Life, a book that teaches you how to transform your anxiety with mindful presence and connection.  You can download Doreen’s 7 Secrets to Fearless Speaking here.
Join us for a live and unscripted interview with Doreen’s
Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real and if you’re on the move here is the podcast.
“May your legacy create a footprint of success for the next person who steps into your shoes”