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Dale Stoneman
Family is the most important thing in my life. I am very proud of my 4 adult children. I love helping people and that is why I am proud to represent LegalShield. I am always learning and I feel personal development is the key to life. I live in Burlington and you may connect with Dale here.
Join us for a live and unscripted interview with Dale’s
Business MentorshipKeepin It Real and if you’re on the move here is the podcast.
LegalShield, Dale S Stoneman
- Contributed By: Dale Stoneman
Tell us a little something about your business...
LegalShield was created 50 years ago because of a car accident in Ada OKC. Mr. Stonecipher was injured, his car was totaled and the lady who caused the accident sued him. He had to hire a Lawyer to defend his name and even then it cost a lot of money. Mr. Stonecipher made it his mission to fine equal justice under the law and thus created our company. We offer two subscription based services that protect and empower you. The legal plan gives you, your family or your business their very own Law Firm to help with their legal needs. Sometimes we just need to know what our rights are or have a letter written on our behalf. There are just so many situations that people should be speaking to a Lawyer about, but don’t because of the cost. Our Identity Theft protection plan protects your identity, all of your devises as well as restores your identity. Both products give you peace of mind and help you to worry less.
When was your lightbulb moment?
I worked in the banking industry for 18 years and when they down sized me , I had protection. Most importantly I had a Plan B in place. You see I was doing my LegalShield business on a very part time basis. I am a single Mom and have successfully raised 4 really nice humans. I think everyone should have a Plan B especially now when the world is so unsettled.
What are your three words of advice?
Always be present! We can only control what’s happening in this moment. You can’t change the past and worrying about the future doesn’t really help. I think it is so important to be really present when you are doing anything, especially when you are with someone. True connections come from being present and really listening when you are spending time with someone.
Three words of advice...
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Family is the most important thing in my life. I am very proud of my 4 adult children. I love helping people and that is why I am proud to represent LegalShield. I am always learning and I feel personal development is the key to life. I live in Burlington and you may connect with Dale here.
Join us for a live and unscripted interview with Dale’s
Business MentorshipKeepin It Real and if you’re on the move here is the podcast.
“May your legacy create a footprint of success for the next person who steps into your shoes”