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Dr. Chonta T. A. Haynes

Dr. Chonta T. A. Haynes empowers women to confidently live life with peace and financial security. Amazon Best-selling Author, Coach and Speaker, she equips with Biblically based resources. From her experience and degrees in engineering, theology and Christian counseling she balances logic and faith. Performance Excellence Transition Coach and Biblical Money Management Expert, she simplifies complex problems creating actionable and effective solutions with sustainable results. Helping you put feet to your faith so you can walk victoriously.
Connect with Dr. Chonta T. A. Haynes here

Join us for a live and unscripted interview with Chont’a
Business MentorshipKeepin It Real and if you’re on the move here is the podcast.

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Performance Excellence Transition Coach & Biblical Money Management Expert, Dr. Chonta T. A. Haynes

Tell us a little something about your business...

A few years ago I felt like I was flying in the air without an airplane. COVID hit and my life was turned upside down … I was going through a devastating divorce (the rug was pulled out from under me after 36 years – so I know what it’s like to have loved and lost ~ to have my heart broken). In addition to the divorce, my children had moved out (new empty nester) and I lost my job as a theology professor since we weren’t meeting in person. To say I was struggling with an identity crisis is an understatement.

I sat in God’s waiting room and reflected on all that I had accomplished. The credentials told one story and the crisis I endured backed them up. I still had a message and a ministry to serve others. I wasn’t going to allow the dash between my birth and death to be in vain. Heart 2 Heart Truth Ministries was reignited to include not only books but coaching and online courses.

Today I empower women so that they confidently live life to the fullest. Not playing small. Whether transitioning through a devastating loss of divorce or the death of a loved one, a job change or moving intentionally toward fulfilling a dream… I help them reframe their story, reinvent themselves and reimagine their future.

I fight for those waiting to hear, experience and transform because women show up authentically with what God has placed inside them.

When was your lightbulb moment?

Realizing I couldn’t control what someone else thinks and what was left was more than what left me, I understand who I am in God and that a spiritual foundation is the key to resilience.

My motto is “My heart may be broke but my bank account doesn’t have to be” … I believe the crown that you wear is the true riches so I help women adjust their crowns.

What are your three words of advice?

3 Secrets to Shine when life unravels …

Reframe your story

Reframing recognizes life is not happening to you but it is happening for you. Detours lead to greater destinations. Pain leads to purpose. Change the view and see the collateral beauty not just the damage. We learn to adjust our crowns. We understand our worth and then I add tax.

What is positive that resulted from your past?

Reinvent yourself

Sometimes we get so lost in helping everybody else, taking care of everybody else, and sacrificing for everybody else, we forget us. In reinventing yourself some versions of you have expired. We have to bury parts that are no longer valid. But then there are other parts that we have to reinvigorate and reignite. These are our passions, we bless them and give them new life and energy. Others we bestow bringing impact and influence to the lives of others.
What do you need to Bury? Bless? Bestow? What do you like? What makes your heart dance?

Realize the weight you carry!

Reimagine your future

The Bible says that your latter is going to be greater, your future is brighter than your past but you have to be able to see it. Just because life happened and it doesn’t look like you expected doesn’t mean you can’t accomplish, achieve or succeed. Water a garden of future promises not one of regret. When life changes… unravels… we need to pivot. That’s adjusting your crown and walking in true wealth.

Your future is bright!

There are those you are uniquely called to serve. Be willing to be uncomfortable, vulnerable, and develop your skills. But pray for direction and the right advisors/mentors.

Three words of advice...

Adjust Your Crown

Dr. Chonta T. A. Haynes empowers women to confidently live life with peace and financial security. Amazon Best-selling Author, Coach and Speaker, she equips with Biblically based resources. From her experience and degrees in engineering, theology and Christian counseling she balances logic and faith. Performance Excellence Transition Coach and Biblical Money Management Expert, she simplifies complex problems creating actionable and effective solutions with sustainable results. Helping you put feet to your faith so you can walk victoriously.
Connect with Dr. Chonta T. A. Haynes here

Join us for a live and unscripted interview with Chont’a
Business MentorshipKeepin It Real and if you’re on the move here is the podcast.

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“May your legacy create a footprint of success for the next person who steps into your shoes”

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