We share entrepreneurial stories to inspire great ideas...

We feature international stories from entrepreneurs and enterprise leaders who share a passion for their business.  Join us as part of this community in support of the entrepreneurial spirit, mentorship and breaking barriers to success.


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Victoria Lorient-Faibish MEd, RP, CCC, BCPP, RPE is a Registered Psychotherapist, a legacy professional with over 25 years in experience. She is a relationship expert, life coach, author of 2 books, & award winning inspirational keynote speaker. Her skilled communication style fosters deep self-awareness in her clients, leading to change and healing. Her focus is to disrupt multi-generational family patterns. She has a master’s degree in educational psychology, and her influences include eastern philosophies, the basis for her brand of holistic psychotherapy. Connect with Victoria @ www.visualizationworks.com
Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real: https://youtu.be/dA7hySoa-1w

Mia Jerritt is an author, solopreneur, speaker and professional coach. She brings 30 years of practical skills to the world of coaching. Her extensive background in health and fitness, along with her entrepreneurial skills, allow her to speak from a place of knowledge, experience and humour. Read more @ www.integratedlifestrategies.ca.
Check out our interview with Mia in Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real and our podcast interivew on IHeart Radio

Join us for a panel discussion, Mentorship and Breaking Barriers to Success on our YouTube channel
Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real or if your on the move here is the podcast

Shannon empowers young professional women who have busted their butt’s and are left wondering “this is it? This is all my effort gets?” to go for more their more and bring fun and flow back into their lives. As an Internationally Designated Institute, Shannon can guide you through a proven system to move beyond second-guessing yourself and become a strong, confident, effective woman both at home and out in the world. Visit Shannon @ www.ShannonMPole.ca.
Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real: https://youtu.be/Vh4Dmw_3hjs

Maura Joy Lustig is a transformation coach, artist and mentor extraordinaire who empowers women to achieve their best – in life and in business. Whether teaching art workshops in her studio, hosting retreats in Europe, or helping her team achieve freedom through radical health and wealth with Isagenix, Maura teaches women how they can have truly it all!   www.maurajoylustig.com
Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real: https://youtu.be/NtAZZEfZxCQ

Join us in Business Mentorhsip; Keepin It Real and our panel discussion on
“A New Definition for Wealth and Well-being” 

Sharon Gill is an author, coach and speaker with a passion for growth and leadership. She often combines her faith in her practice and desires to see everyone fulfill their God-given potential. She is the author of The G.O.R.G.E.O.U.S. Woman – 8 Principles for a godly life. Visit Sharon @ www.sharongill.com
Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real: https://youtu.be/7AOSyk-fY-g

Join us in Business Mentorhsip; Keepin It Real and our panel discussion on
“A New Definition for Wealth and Well-being” 

After building a seven-figure business, Odette Peek suffered a personal crisis that risked it all. By getting on stage and sharing her story, she regained her momentum and created massive success. She shares this expertise to help entrepreneurs become speakers and build high-impact, lucrative businesses. Odette has spoken on hundreds of stages, including TEDx, as well as been a guest on popular podcasts including Entrepreneur on Fire and television shows like NBC’s Real Talk. Visit Odette @ www.odettepeek.com
Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real: https://youtu.be/QAIZ5exAQrE

Lisa McDonald is EMPOWERING business owners, individuals, and entrepreneurs to transform their lives, achieve their goals and turn their dreams into realities by walking the talk and approaching life, love, and work with FEARLESS gratitude, enthusiasm, and hope. Visit Lisa @ www.livingfearlesslywithlisa.com.

Shauna Mayer is the creator of Calm Connect Create Intuitive Wellness program and Connect Decks©, a series of consciousness cards for increasing emotional awareness and intuitive abilities She is dedicated to bringing a kinder, gentler experience to life and parenting and helping others discover their greatness through inner guidance. You can reach Shauna at shauna@shaunamayer.com or Visit shaunamayer.com.

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