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Angela Legh

Angela Legh experienced much adversity in her life, but each crisis brought her growth and understanding of the mechanics of emotions. Her gift is in knowing how to speak with children and their parents from her heart; telling them of the magic they have inside. Her books open the hearts of readers and expand their awareness of their own inner worlds. She tirelessly speaks of the importance of processing emotions, teaching young children how to do that in her books, The Bella Santini Chronicles fairytales.  Visit Angela at https://angelalegh.com/

Check out our interview or if you prefer, here is the Podcast.

The Critical Importance of Feeling our Feelings, Angela Legh

Tell us a little something about your business...

My children’s book series, the Bella Santini Chronicles, teaches children through an engaging fairytale of the importance of feeling all of our feelings. Our society has, for generations, handed children the idea that they must escape or repress their feelings. However, feelings are energy; there is no escape from them. When we try to escape or repress a feeling, it is as if we put it in a backpack and carry it with us. The more we repress or escape a feeling, the more we add to the backpack. Eventually, the backpack becomes so heavy with repressed feelings; it either breaks us -we attack ourselves with self-criticism, or it splits, and all of those repressed feelings explode out when we least expect it.

By teaching children aged 8-12 different techniques for emotional management, they are given the ability to face all emotions. will know that to escape or repress an emotion is to become trapped in a never-ending cycle of denial. They will not seek relief from emotional pain through substance abuse; they will know that the relief is a lie and the escape mechanism only increases the pain they feel. They will be free of the need to escape or repress and will allow all of their feelings to flow.

When was your lightbulb moment?

Based on events in my childhood, I chose to reject the feeling of anger. I escaped and repressed it, which had some lifelong consequences. But I also engaged the feeling by becoming very reactive to anyone who publicly exhibited anger. If I had learned to become neutral to the feeling, I could have allowed everyone, including myself, to experience their feelings of anger. The dynamics of my long-term marriage that ended in divorce could have been changed if I only could have allowed myself and others to express anger.

My lightbulb moment was when I was preparing a script for a Ted Talk about feelings – I realized that my father’s alcoholism and abusive behavior were based on his need to escape his feelings of being a failure. These feelings were based on criticism he received as a child. I realized that my repression of anger was based on my childhood experiences of my abusive dad. I realized that my former husband was engaging in the painful feelings he experienced from his childhood. The tremendous pain of my father using alcohol to escape his feelings, the repression of my feelings, the engagement of anger by my former husband; all could have been resolved if we had simply allowed our painful feelings to flow.

What are your three words of advice?

Becoming neutral to a painful feeling is the way to freedom. Being neutral to a feeling is as easy as noticing the feeling – be aware of it and sense it. Once you are aware of the feeling, acknowledge it. The feeling is energy; it is a form of information. Simply acknowledge that you are receiving the information of the feeling. You can make a statement – “I feel xxx.” Lastly, Accept the feeling. Know that it is ok for you to feel that way, and in the feeling is information that helps you grow. This technique, taught as AAA by Dr. Donald Epstein in his EpiEngergetics program, allows the feeling to flow without engaging in them.

Three words of advice...

Aware, Acknowledge, Accept

Angela Legh experienced much adversity in her life, but each crisis brought her growth and understanding of the mechanics of emotions. Her gift is in knowing how to speak with children and their parents from her heart; telling them of the magic they have inside. Her books open the hearts of readers and expand their awareness of their own inner worlds. She tirelessly speaks of the importance of processing emotions, teaching young children how to do that in her books, The Bella Santini Chronicles fairytales.  Visit Angela at https://angelalegh.com/

Check out our interview or if you prefer, here is the Podcast.

“May your legacy create a footprint of success for the next person who steps into your shoes”

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