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Dr. Birgitte Tan

Dr. Birgitte Tan is a global speaker, best selling author, certified Grief and Life Success Consultant, and oncologist. She is the founder of “Dance Away Sadness: Move Beyond Your Grief™” recovery method that helps people release the part of grief that words cannot touch. Birgitte helps people THRIVE through tough times and Win with more ease and fun. She looks forward to helping you effortlessly transform your tragedies to timeless treasures of thriving joyful living.  Visit Dr. Birgitte Tan @ http://fromgrievingtojoyfulliving.com/

Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real

Dr Tan joins us as a guest in Invest In Yourself – panel discussion on Meditation and “how to” find our zen moments,  “Peace of Mind is a State of Mind”

A special edition of Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real – International Panel Discussion on Family Traditions

Speaker, Author, Grief Transformation & Life Success Specialist, Dr. Birgitte Tan.

Tell us a little something about your business...

Both my book and business are here to help people THRIVE through tough times and transform their tragedies into treasures easily, quickly, and with fun. I work with individuals as well as with corporations. Grief cost the workplace $117 billion every year. However, there are simple, inexpensive, effective solutions to this problem that are a win for the employees as well as the companies. The tailored seminars and workshops I deliver at your workplace will minimize the impact of grief on your company while respecting employees’ boundaries and privacy, thereby increasing your profit and improving team members’ wellbeing and work satisfaction. Individuals who need help with navigating and transforming their grief work with me virtually in small groups or one-on-one coaching that is tailored to the person’s needs. My book, “Seeking Peace: The Proven 5-Fingers Method to THRIVE through Change Effortlessly,” gives you a glimpse of how I can help you effortlessly navigate through tough times with more poise and confidence and create the best you are meant to be easily, quickly, and with fun. 🙂

When was your lightbulb moment?

My lightbulb moment came when I was becoming a handicap and losing everything I know and love even worse than when my life fell apart 8 years prior. I realized that by practicing certain mental skills and tools, this time I continue to have peace of mind, ease, joy, and fun despite dire adversities. Even better, I also gain the benefits from these adversities a lot sooner. I then realize that anyone can do this if they know and apply these simple but highly effective skills and tools.

What are your three words of advice?

Trust The Journey.
The reason this matter to me:
Understanding that everyone and everything has a certain journey allows me to go through the ride of life with less worry and therefore more peace of mind, ease, joy, and fun. Have you ever been on a roller-coaster? Life is like going through a roller-coaster, there are ups and downs but as long as we are focus on the good outcome, everything becomes simply a thrill ride. We know that even when everything seems to be upside down, it’ll all get straightened up. Even when things seem upside down, we want to stay the course, trust the process, not trying to resist or stop the ride or go backward, and focus on arriving the way we love to arrive. If we can do this, to trust and enjoy the journey, we arrive much faster while having a lot more ease and fun during the ride. Trust the journey. As Steve Job said, “You cannot connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect it looking backward.”

Three words of advice...

Trust the journey

Dr. Birgitte Tan is a global speaker, best selling author, certified Grief and Life Success Consultant, and oncologist. She is the founder of “Dance Away Sadness: Move Beyond Your Grief™” recovery method that helps people release the part of grief that words cannot touch. Birgitte helps people THRIVE through tough times and Win with more ease and fun. She looks forward to helping you effortlessly transform your tragedies to timeless treasures of thriving joyful living.  Visit Dr. Birgitte Tan @ http://fromgrievingtojoyfulliving.com/

Check out our live interview on Business Mentorship; Keepin’ It Real

Dr Tan joins us as a guest in Invest In Yourself – panel discussion on Meditation and “how to” find our zen moments,  “Peace of Mind is a State of Mind”

A special edition of Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real – International Panel Discussion on Family Traditions

“May your legacy create a footprint of success for the next person who steps into your shoes”

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