We share entrepreneurial stories to inspire great ideas...
Sara Di Felice
Sara is a holistic health business leader & Co-Founder of Flow Network. Early on Sara was growing communities in health as well as business. She combines her joy & expertise of video storytelling, business bridging & holistic wellness in her ‘role’ with Flow Network. Her passion is inspiring & documenting evolution through her Broadcast Visionary lens, of what she feels is one of the greatest paradigm shifts our humanity will see. The rise of creative, heart-centered leaders. www.saradifelice.com www.flownetwork.ca
Check out our interview live and unscripted on Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real and if you prefer, here is the Podcast
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Broadcast Visionary | Co-Founder Flow Network, Sara Di Felice
- Contributed By: Sara Di Felice
Tell us a little something about your business...
Broadcasting a better brighter world into reality with FlowNetwork.ca Flow Network is an edutainment (Education & Entertainment) intergenerational broadcasting bridge that levers video production, interviews, & online and offline events to promote & amplify the messages of heart-centered leaders and creatives.
This is it, the BIG PIVOT! The rise of the creative class and the fall of an old-world and outdated ways of being. To Flow or Fit in, that is the question!
We believe we are apart of creating a new economy that is inclusive, decentralized and supportive of our truest nature. This is a Broadcasting Network with a holistic framework for business, marketing, sales, education, entertainment & leadership. The economy is a metaphor for how we relate to ourselves and one another. Currently, our humanity is pivoting from a top-down outside-in relation of self and others, to a bottom-up, inside out understanding. Our deepest value is within and how we authentically connect to others and our outer reality. In these uncertain times, we feel the most practical thing to do is to BE yourself. #UBU! We are excited to connect, collaborate, co-create and broadcast this new world together.
When was your lightbulb moment?
There are so many lightbulb moments, and I feel we are gifted these opportunities ever day. The opportunity to expand into new versions of ourselves. This understanding happened for me deeply in 2009, returning from a 3 +week backpacking trip in India & SEA with a girlfriend in honour of completing our Yoga Teacher Training together. The trip changed my life. I was evolving daily and came home a new person. I reflected on how much I had changed, and yet how much my old world stayed the same.
My family, my friends would have no idea of the subtle and not so subtle differences that were shifting inside my being. It gave me the awareness to understand the power of perspective and to hold space for others to also change. I believe this is where I really started opening up to the mysterious FLOW that is life on this planet! After all, we are all just energy at our core, a complex living system that is ALWAYS moving, evolving and changing.
What are your three words of advice?
You BE You! I feel as though we all need to really OWN that our greatest value is our relationship with ourselves, the treasure of knowing who we truly are and discovering more each day. There is nothing out there, no other time, no other space needed to just BE. BEing with who we are in each moment, in each breath, we are enough. In this space of remembering, we are infinite, we are whole, we are perfect.
Three words of advice...
Be with gratitude
Sara is a holistic health business leader & Co-Founder of Flow Network. Early on Sara was growing communities in health as well as business. She combines her joy & expertise of video storytelling, business bridging & holistic wellness in her ‘role’ with Flow Network. Her passion is inspiring & documenting evolution through her Broadcast Visionary lens, of what she feels is one of the greatest paradigm shifts our humanity will see. The rise of creative, heart-centered leaders. www.saradifelice.com www.flownetwork.ca
Check out our interview live and unscripted on Business Mentorship; Keepin It Real and if you prefer, here is the Podcast
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“May your legacy create a footprint of success for the next person who steps into your shoes”